Monday, January 5, 2015

HAPPY 2015!

Greetings, everyone! I hope the entire TCS community has enjoyed our winter break. I had a wonderful time celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Here's a picture of Fiona trying out one of her Christmas gifts:

Having 2 weeks off really gives me a chance to recharge and get excited for all the fun that's coming as the school year continues! Below are some important updates as we begin 2015:

*Rehearsals for Guys & Dolls Jr. will begin later this week. I will send home an official schedule for the entire month of January as soon as possible, and I will also post the most up-to-date version of the schedule on the blog. I hope that lots of students have been hard at work on their lines and songs over the break!

*Starting this Wednesday, the WTCS morning show will be hosted by the 4th grade! I know the students are excited to take on this new leadership role, and we will be having some 5th graders help out as mentors to the new 4th grade hosts and tech crew for the first few weeks. Yay!

*There are so many amazing musical projects and experiences that will be happening in different grades over the next few months: 

  • 4th graders will be starting a composition project in connection with the poetry of Langston Hughes
  • 3rd graders will be learning the recorder
  • 2nd graders will be continuing their Solfege study, then as they travel to Africa in their classroom we will begin our drumming unit
  • 1st graders will be exploring music from the different places they visit on their journey around the world
  • Kindergarteners will be making musical connections to some fantastic stories they are reading in their classroom
  • PreSchool & PreK will be rocking out to lots of winter songs
Keep checking back for more updates as the year continues...Happy 2015!

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