Friday, September 27, 2013

Beginning & Reviewing Kodaly Rhythms

This week I have been introducing kodaly rhythms in my Kinder classes and reviewing kodaly rhythms in my 1st grade classes. Using a simple melody and lyrics about pumpkins, students have been tapping out rhythms with rhythm sticks.
We talk about slow tempo (Ta), medium tempo (TiTi), and fast tempo (TiriTiri) to designate the start of understanding quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes.

Then we add the corresponding beats to the rhythm of the song.

The kindergarteners are getting used to tapping with rhythm sticks to slow, medium, and fast tempi, and the first graders are learning to hear which beat is a Ta, Titi, or TiriTiri rhythm in a given song. More fun with Kodaly rhythms and movable-do solfege to come!

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