Saturday, June 15, 2019


"...and the livin' is easy" -Gershwin

Ella Fitzgerald is one of my all-time FAVORITES, and this song always comes to mind when another school year comes to a close. Enjoy this version of "Summertime" and try to find more great tunes out there that relate to my favorite season...there are so many fabulous summer songs!

It's been a fantastic year, and I'll see you all in the fall for more musical fun!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


CONGRATULATIONS to the cast and crew of Mary Poppins! 

The students worked so hard to bring this show to life, and they had lots of support from faculty, parents, and the entire TCS community. As Mary says, "in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun," and there were countless fun elements during the entire production process from rehearsals to performances!

Cheers to a beautiful show, everyone!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Rhythm Patterns in 2nd grade!

2nd graders are working on rhythms and figuring out how many Ta and Titi patterns they can create within 4 beats (one 4/4 measure).

Using large, colorful popsicle sticks and paper, each partner group identified as many rhythm patterns and they could think of and wrote each one down to keep track.

As a class, we figured out that there is a way to discover exactly how many rhythm patterns we can create within our parameters...can you figure it out?

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday motivator!

Happy 2019! Now that we're back in the swing of school, I thought it might be fun to share some positive quotes, lyrics, poems, and other musical motivators that cross my path sometimes...things that help me stay present in my job and my life, and also bring a smile to my face! Below is a quote that's in the music room, and it jumped out at me since I've had this exact experience countless times. Music truly DOES change our brains when we take time to listen, so put on an old song you love, or find your new favorite tune today!