Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Staying Connected: "Kindie Rock"

I'm not sure who coined the term "Kindie Rock" as a musical genre consisting of hip, up-and-coming artists who primarily rock out with tunes that both kids and parents can enjoy without sacrificing their musical integrity, but I think it's pretty smart. Below is an article with a comprehensive list of just such artists who are performing at the South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival, alongside countless other great bands.

I certainly haven't heard of all the musicians or bands, but I'm excited to reconnect with a few and hear some new tunes too. As a music teacher and a mom, I take my Kindie Rock pretty seriously, so enjoy the list and hopefully you'll find some new songs for your family car rides and at-home dance parties. 
If I find a song or band that really excites me, I'll be sure to share it here. Please do the same if you're inspired by leaving a comment below. Happy listening!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Staying Connected: The Pillars and Pitfalls of Memorization

I've definitely been both victorious and victimized when performing a piece of music from memory.

As a student of Suzuki violin beginning at age 5, the idea of memorization has always held a strong place in my musical learning process since it began as part of the foundation for how I worked through every piece (listen, learn, memorize). The article below has given me new insight into the differences between certain types of memorization and how they can strengthen or weaken one's learning and performing process. It also gave me flashbacks to different times when I either forgot or miraculously remembered a piece of music, and now has me wondering how my brain functioned under those intense situations. (That's right...I'm talking to you, Preludio from Bach's E Major Partita!)

Interesting points to ponder here, and even if you're not a musician, try the author's alphabet "test" to see how your brain functions...fascinating!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Staying Connected: The Power of Musical Repetition

Here's a cool article with a TedEd video all about the powerful nature of repetition in music. Watch the video and see if it sparks any ideas about how you listen to music and what makes you press "play" over and over again. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Staying Connected...

Since I'm home on maternity leave, I've decided to use my blog as a way to stay connected with the musical world. I'll share interesting articles, songs, videos, and pictures that relate to music and the performing arts. 

Today's article is all about the power of music and how it can scientifically affect our bodies and minds. Read below for some ways that music can influence and enhance your life:

Baby Wepler is Here!

I wanted to share the exciting news that Grady Hayes Wepler has finally arrived! We are all happy and healthy and big sister Fiona loves her new baby brother!