Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Check this out!

From the catchy tune, to the perfectly timed and extremely impressive choreography, Okay Go's new video for the song "I Won't Let You Down" is quite an achievement. But this is nothing new for the 4-member band. Together they continue to imagine and create new ways to push the boundaries of what can be captured on film for all their songs (remember their first video on treadmills? Or the video of one huge Rube Goldberg machine?). 

Whenever I see a new Okay Go video, one word always comes to mind: STEAM!

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Halloween Songs: "What Color Is Your Ghost?"

I've been singing lots of fun Halloween songs with my students this week as we prepare for the big Halloween parade & sing-along next Friday!
Here are some photos of a first grade class rocking out with scarves to "What Color Is Your Ghost?" 

Photos taken by: Kayla (grade 5)
Song by: Rachel Rambach

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Musical Games!

Below is a link to some musical games I'm playing with my students this week:

Musical Games

The "Note Name Game" is great for note-reading practice, and each measure spells out a different word!

"Compose Your Own Music" is just what the title describes: YOU are the composer! The different options allow you to understand 4/4 time using whole, half, and quarter notes and rests, and the 4-measure melodies you create can actually be "performed" by the computer!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rhythmic Stories: "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt" by Steve Metzger

I love this book for many reasons, but it's especially fun to read and act out in kindergarten and first grade music class while incorporating the concepts of tempo and accelerando. As we read each action sequence (example: "climb, climb, huff, puff"), we start with a slow, steady beat, and then say the words faster...and faster...and faster! The kids really enjoy echoing the lines and "hunting" for leaves together!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Overtone Singing!

Check out this incredible singer who can actually sing two notes at the same time using the overtone series. Watch, listen...and prepare to be amazed!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Good morning, Beethoven!

Look who greeted me in the music room this morning...one of my all-time favorite composers!

Welcome to TCS, Ludwig!